Bringing Pumpkins to Life With ProPresenter 7

Do holidays ever feel dull to you? Maybe your decorations need to be brought to life! Brian Korosec from NumberE, a production company based in Atlanta Georgia, decided to do just that.

If you’ve never seen a talking pumpkin, that’s probably because your neighbor needs to be introduced to ProPresenter! Brian set up ProPresenter with a 3200-lumen projector hidden inside of a hollowed-out hay bale. In ProPresenter, all files were set to loop back to the first slide in the presentation which was a buffer slide set to loop, this allowed for seamless transitions between different files.

All of the animations came from AtmosFX and were edited down in Adobe Premiere to make short little clips that could be triggered with an Elgato Stream Deck (using Companion and the Companion ProPresenter Module)! Having a Stream Deck in the mix made the setup interactive and gave Brian the ability to stay out of sight as needed!

Cody Patterson

Cody Patterson is the Marketing Director at Renewed Vision. He has a passion for connecting organizations to their people through relationships, technology, and marketing.

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