Are You a Pastor? Here’s How to Use ProPresenter’s Bible for Message Prep

We built ProPresenter’s Bible engine to make it easy for any volunteer or staff member to use. With ProPresenter 7 you can view multiple translations at once and even compare different languages. While this is perfect for showing multiple languages in multi-lingual church… it’s also perfect if you need to prep for an upcoming message!

Step 1: Go to the Bible window

Open the Bible window to get started with comparing translations!

Step 2: Install the translations that you want to compare

We offer a large number of free translations, if you’re looking for a more specific translation it can be purchased by going to “Get Bibles…”

Step 3: Add the number of translations that you want to compare

You can compare as many or as few translations as your theme will allow for. For this example we will add for translations to compare.

Step 4: Select the theme that allows you to compare multiple translations

ProPresenter 7 allows you to create your own themes as simple or complicated as your imagination lets you. But to make it easier on you here is a free 4 translations comparison theme that you can use. Just go to File > Import > File and select the theme.

Step 5: Make sure your “verse” and “reference” boxes are assigned correctly

Since you can create your own themes, you’ll want to make sure that your verse and reference text is going to the correct spots!

Step 6: Start searching and studying different scripture

Here is the fun part! Start searching to your heart’s content on what scripture you want to use for your message! If you have more translations installed you can always switch one out as well.

Bonus: Found the verses & translation that you want to use? Save it for your message

Once you find the verses and translation that you plan to use, you can save that for your media team. Step 1: Choose the theme you want to use for the translation you chose. Step 2: Make sure just that translation is assigned to the verse and reference boxes. Step 3: Select “Save as” and choose your preferred method of saving.

Cody Patterson

Cody Patterson is the Marketing Director at Renewed Vision. He has a passion for connecting organizations to their people through relationships, technology, and marketing.

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